HOW TO: Get A Job Teaching Yoga

job teaching yoga

Now that you’ve gone through the process of completing your yoga teacher training, the next step on your path is landing a job teaching yoga. This can be a difficult transition for some and it can sometimes feel like you’re a little fish in a big huge ocean.

But that is part of the adventure. And becoming a successful yoga teacher does require some strategy and patience. Over the years, we’ve seen some effective methods that help launch yogis from being teacher training graduates to becoming legitimate and flourishing teachers.

To help you on this journey, we’ve come up with this handy HOW TO: GET A JOB TEACHING YOGA guide.

ADVICE #1: Cast a wide net

When you are first starting out as a yoga teacher, visit as many studios as you can and introduce yourself to owners and studio managers. And don’t stop there! Even gyms offer yoga classes, and there are yoga businesses that teach private classes to corporations or senior centres. Get your name out there far and wide.

ADVICE #2: Memorize at least one demo class

Many employers will ask to sit in on a class before they hire you. Therefore, it’s a good idea to have at least one full class sequence memorized that you can teach with ease and confidence.

ADVICE #3: Decide on your philosophy

When hiring new yoga teachers, most employers will look for passionate people who are committed to helping others. It can be a crowded market so make sure you have a teaching philosophy that you are dedicated to that explains why you want to teach yoga and what your approach will be with your students. This will help you stand apart from the crowd.

Find a mentor

If there is an experienced teacher you feel a connection with, consider approaching him or her to see if they will mentor you. People are often willing to lend a hand and offer advice to those just starting out. Even if it’s just a conversation over a cup of tea, take all the guidance you can get.

ADVICE #4: Assist when you can

If there are opportunities to assist experienced teachers either during regular classes or perhaps weekend workshops, jump on it! Assisting will help you get your name out there and will demonstrate your enthusiasm to be a part of the community.

ADVICE #5: Keep up your own practice

A lot of teachers fresh out of yoga teacher training in Vancouver are so dedicated to building their career that they sacrifice their own practice. Maintaining your practice will help keep you focused and connected to why you’re doing this in the first place.

ADVICE #6: Take whatever is offered (and still do your best!)

Everyone has to start somewhere. And if at first you are only offered 6am classes or 2pm classes that few students can attend, who cares? You’re teaching! No matter what kind of class you have or how many students show up, remember that you’re still doing what you set out to do. So be prepared and enthusiastic and you’ll find that these classes will lead to more.

ADVICE #7: Market yourself

In this day and age, self-promotion can go a long way, and there are plenty of tools to get your name out there. Build a simple website, blog about your approach to yoga, start some yoga-specific social media accounts and start building your network.

ADVICE #8: Enjoy the process

If yoga teaches us anything, it’s to be aware of the present moment. While you are in this transitional phase after your yoga teacher training, stop to take some time to appreciate where you are. Because in the future when you are working steadily, you’ll be able to look back and see how far you’ve come.