How Much Does a Yoga Instructor Make?

As yoga instructors, we tell students all the time how rewarding yoga is for the mind, body, and spirit. But part of your wellness is earning a living, and we’re often asked is if it is possible to pay the bills on a yogi’s upside down schedule.

The truth is that there isn’t one set price in the yoga business – how comfortable of a living you earn as a yoga instructor is dependant on how you run your business. But there are always a few pointers will help newcomers in our Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver program going in the right direction – up!

Branching Out From Your Studio

You’ve already chosen to defy nine-to-five conventions, so why confine yourself to one place of employment?

Teaching at two or more locations is a great way to expand your client base and optimize your hours. Gyms, fitness centres, community centres, workspaces, outdoor clubs, are all great places to offer services. You can even arrange to teach one-on-one in your spare time — all you need is floor space for two mats.

When it comes to finding a studio, it pays to investigate before signing on with any yoga centre. Salaries and commissions are done differently everywhere, and even two neighbouring studios might have completely different rates.

Become Season-Conscious

Yoga attendance can ebb and flow. A full evening class of nine-to-five workers will pay nicely until the holiday season hits and schedules get busy and exercise is put off. Younger yogis return home from university in the summer, then potentially head elsewhere next fall.

That’s why it’s important to know your neighbourhoods and their demographics. Find out the “where, when, and who” of yoga in your city, then balance your hours accordingly. If summer is slow, arrange to take your mat abroad. In some vacation destinations, companies will host and hire yoga instructions to teach in resorts and hotel fitness centres.

Be Your Best Boss

The independence that comes with yoga instruction is wonderful, but it also means taking responsibility for your evolving career. Instructors must make their client base top priority, and they must make adjustments to their practice as they go along.

Being your best boss also means getting leverage out of all your skills and interests.

Create opportunities for yourself in media promotion for your studio, get experience managing, maybe even try teacher training!

Don’t forget to treat yourself right, and take care of your benefits. Talk to an insurance broker and make sure you get what you need. And don’t forget that budgeting is key. Perform regular estimates, calculate your average pay between peak season and slow season, and then establish your lifestyle.

Keep Up The Good Work

Remember that the yoga market can be unpredictable no matter how well the year is planned out.  Staying positive and realistic at the same time is a balance – and yoga instructors are all about balance.